Design Journal Entry - Module 1

Journal Entry For
Module 1 - Design Inspirations & Big Feature Ideas

With the intent of expressing myself creatively, I have chosen to undertake the creation of my design journal through PowerPoint slides. These slides are available at as a .pptx file… … or in PDF format!

Design Journal Week 1.pdf16660.5KB

As I have written in my second slide…

With this design journal, I aim to weave a narrative that not only chronicles the evolution of how I designed the Sustainable Built Environment Learning and Exhibition Center but also serves as an inspiring testament to the transformative power of sustainable design thinking, inviting readers to embark on a captivating journey through innovation, adaptation, and the limitless possibilities of green architecture!

Every week I will add slides to the shared PowerPoint, to keep track of the design process from the early stage of the design until the end. Each week, a red slide with white text will contain the weekly instructions of the asssignment. I hope you will enjoy it! A brief summary of the design I came up for this first assignment is illustrated in the following pictures (explanation in the last slides of the shared powerpoint).
