Takuhiro Wakita - Module 8 - Part 2

Soil Grout Injection Planner

  • This is the Dynamo graph


This application is for optimizing an allocation plan of soil injection by comparing a lot of counterparts in the 3D view. You can change the target area based on your project, and then evaluate the allocation plans based on the total volume of material, percentage of stabilization and efficiency of injection changing number of soil columns in each direction and the radius of soil columns. In addition, you can consider some additional depth for quality certification with this application.

This application consists of these two files.

  • Soil_Grout_Injection_Planner.dyn
  • LunchBox for Dynamo

Soil_Grout_Injection_Planner.dyn is Generative Design of Dynamo, therefore you can use this in the study.

Below shows inputs for the study. Set the three components as valuables: Number of Soil Columns along Length Direction (Nl), Number of Soil Columns along Width Direction (Nd), Radius of Soil Columns. Set other values according to your project.


Then, set goals minimizing Volume of materials and maximizing Percentage of Stabilization and Efficiency of Injection as shown in below.


After running the study, you will get this kind of result.

Each color indicates as below.

Red: Injected soil in the target space

Blue: Injected soil out of the target space

Yellow: The non-stabilized soil in the target space


Each output is calculated based on the equations.


Dynamo graph

Below each part of Dynamo graph is explained.

This part is inputs for constant values.


This part is inputs for Variables. If you want to analyze with the different range of each value, you can change them here.


This part is final outputs for the study.


In this part, the target space of your project is defined.


This part generates a set of center points of soil columns.


This part generates soil columns with the points generated in the previous part.


This part categorizing the model into three parts to visualize them and calculate evaluation factors.


This part put colors on the models.


This part calculate evaluation factors shown in the results.


This part is for replacing null with 0. If the non-stabilized soil in the target space is nothing, it give 0 to the volume of it in order to properly calculate the evaluation factors in the successors.


