Module 4 - Points to Ponder

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Module 4 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

What types of building information are best portrayed in 3D views?

  • Which stakeholders require 2D views, and why?

The interior designers and the constructors definitely need the 2D plan views in order to build the project designed by the architects. Furniture, fixtures, lighting, and orientation are best portrayed in the 3D views and it is important for the client to understand better the design.

Give examples of how the building information for a specific location in the project needs to be filtered for different audiences and purposes?

Depending on the location, the weather, atmosphere, and lighting can totally change. It is important to set the house at its the specific location in order to understand how the light affects the project in itself.

Should your design ideas always be conveyed through photorealistic renders?

  • How does the level of detail in the rendering and its presentation affect the perception of stakeholders reviewing your design?

  • First of all, it allows the stakeholders to get a better understanding of the design. It allows them to visualize themselves once the project will be done. In addition, renderings can serve marketing purposes as well. The more detail there is the more realistic it gets and the more the client will be able to understand how it is going to be in real once the project will be realized.