Prototype Building Process/Work & MVP+

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Journal Entry For
Prototype WIP


My work started by asking myself which aspects of the MVP matter. I decided that those aspects are important that add value for customers, solve the issues which are currently given. From the interviews and the CCP I knew that there were two main issues:

1) People are not aware of advertisment columns

As a consequence my prototype must include a solution for that. I had the idea to combine different solutions ideas i developed in the homework before: Design advertisment columns as emojis, human-like, so people can identify with them and get more aware of them. Further, to make them colorful so people see recognize them and make them rotate when somone is getting close

2) Advertisment columns dont provide an overview

That is, many different topics are next to each others, some relevant to a reader, some not. As a consequence, I designed areas and gave them different functions with their optical design.


After I knew what I want to do, I searched for the materials. I came up with the idea to use a old toilett paper role for the column and then I equipped myself just with some further smaller parts Glenn provided in the last class.


My main challenge was to find a way to rotate the column. Therefore, I decided to sketch the column first. By doing so, I saw a opportunity to use some glew and the stick to actually move the whole column. The Sketch also helped me to get an idea which parts I need to construct, about the dimensions and to get an overview.


The creation was straight forward. I had the orientation with the sketch and just went for it.


After the main work I decided on creating a small environment around the prototype to illustrate its function even more.


List the form, function & emotional features that you want tested

functional features to test:

Testing if the faces/ columns as humans idea make columns more appealing/ easier to identify with them/ helps to make people more aware of them

Testing if the colours make the columns easier to see

Test if the sensors and rotating makes people more aware of the column

forms to test:

-testing if the reorganization of the different parts of the column with different areas and sectors - that is, different areas for certain topics increases the overivew

emotional features to test:

-test, how people feel when the column starts to rotate as soon as the sensor sees them

-test, if the people feel happyness when they see the faces of the columns

-test, how people feel about the colours of the columns


MVP: the smallest thing that you can build that delivers customer value

  • MVP+: A product that delivers on the promise functionally plus impresses human emotions.