Your Name
Journal Entry For
Module 9 - HVAC Systems
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Feb 21, 2024 1:11 AM
Last Edited
Feb 28, 2024 8:03 PM
Created by
JakeYour Design Journal entries for this module should highlight your design thinking and analysis results that influenced your decisions about:
- your overall HVAC system strategy
- your heating strategy and how you implemented it in your design
- your cooling strategy and how you implemented it
- any special HVAC system challenges that you encountered
- create overall strategy
- heating and cooling on each floor
- HVAC air heating and cooling
- radiant cooling ceilings
- most worried about heat coming in in the heating days so this will help combat the greater surface area in the building
- radiant heating floors
- zoning:
- each level is a zone to increase functionality and optimize heating/cooling
- each level has unique sun exposure/function combination
- modularity in design
- each level has a repetitive plan to lower material, construction, maintenance, and replacement costs and impacts
- polished envelope by adding exterior doors
- added spaces and tags to rooms
- create zones
- choosing VAV single duct for all zones
- run load report, below:
Determine biggest losses:
- 7% through windows
- 38% through walls
- 23% through windows
- 15% loss across windows
- 42% loss through windows
- 21% loss through windows
Original calculated loads:
Improve window thermal resistance in heating load schematics gives new load report:
- can be seen that the total heating/cooling loads decrease from original
Final load report:
Now that we have load report, determine placement/quantifty of air handlers + terminals on each floor based on calculated supply (cooling-dominated loads)
- Foyers: 76 to 255 cfm = 1 air terminal in foyers on each level
- Restrooms: ~30 cfm = 1 air terminal
- lobby: 3206 cfm = requires 7 air terminals, 4000 cfm air handler provided for L1
- exhibit/education rooms: 1772 cfm requirement = provide 4 air terminals + 1x2400cfm air handler on ex-ed floors 2-4
- office: 721 cfm requirement = 2 air terminals + 1 air handler
- restaurant/kitchen: 2100 requirement = 5 air terminals + 1 air handler
- max duct size rqd on levels 2-6 = 18x24
- level 1 lobby requires 24x24 duct size for the larger load demand
Laid out ducts and temrinals as seen below, before sizing the ducts approproately
- began by changing all direct terminal ducts to the 9x9 size, worked backwards from that point
after sizing:
- module 4 in 220A to create views
- module 5 planning mechanicl spaces 220B
- run design coordination
- increase duct sizes to reduce friction
- challenges and lessons learned