Module 9 - Points to Ponder

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Module 9 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Can you guarantee that the completed building will match the performance predicted by the analysis in its day-to-day operations?

  • No, this performance predictions is only based on yearly averages. Some days it may be well above that average, others well below.

When choosing settings for each of the building performance factors, should you always choose the setting that gives the absolute lowest predicted energy use?

  • You should not always choose strictly based off the energy use, as that will likely be most expensive. You should see first if the client would rather have that extra efficiency or extra cash after building.

How can the feedback shown in a 4D simulation help you to optimize the project schedule?

  • What are the main benefits of linking model elements to the project schedule?
    • Feedback from a 4D simulation can be extremely helpful in optimizing a project schedule. This simulation can help you spot major flaws in the project timeline on your screen way before the contractors run into it in the real world. This can save you and your clients money.