I mapped this picture I took to the structure:
Modeling Approach:
I took my structure from module 3 and modified it by using a UV grid to create placement points and define the surface rather than curves w/rib and panel placement points.
A user can specify/change the number of U- and V-panels using integer sliders.
Next, I set up nodes that read an image file and sampled the color values within the image, referencing the number of U- and V-panels. Next, the user can use an integer slider to specify how the image is mapped to the surface - in the original or transpose of the color value grid.
Then, I created code that allows users to mirror or flip the image (flip vertically, flip horizontally, or flip both vertically and horizontally). The mapped image is mirrored or flipped, and the displayed result is based on user inputs to an integer slider. (They can select 0, 1, 2, or 3 to manipulate the image as desired).
Finally, adaptive panel elements are placed and the mapped image is used to override panel display color. There is also an option for users to specify the panel height (thickness) with a number slider.