Image of My Model



This structure is designed to model a two-way bus stop or train platform. The modelling starts with generating a base central line with a number slider to adjust the structure length. Two sets of symmetric top line and top edge line are generated by translate the base central line with some user defined distances, which can also be changed by number sliders. For each side of the structure, to add a dynamic geometry, the top line is replaced with a sine wave by dividing the line into a user defined number of points and change the Z value of each point with a modified sine wave function. The shape of sine wave can be changed by using the sliders for the number of wave definition points, number of waves and wave amplitude. To place the ribs, a list of three curves (base central line, first/second top line, first/second top edge line) is defined and divided according to the input number of ribs. Then the list is transposed, and rib curves are generated, which will be used to place adaptive ribs. The rib curves are then divided according to the input number of panel points on each rib. With the relative location on each rib, the quads list can be generated, which will be used to place adaptive panels. The parameters of ribs and panels, such as point radius and panel height, can also be adjusted by setting element parameters by name. Combining the two sides, structure is modelled.