Design Project 1 | POV Statements

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - POV Statements

Point of View Statements

Point of View Statement 1

[Boran] needs to [live in a healthy and sustainable environment] because [he wants his house to be valuable in the future years]

Point of View Statement 2

[Xianghao] needs to [live in a stable and economic environment] because [he’s seeking for his first house in the Bay area and not plan to move out in next 20 years]

Point of View Statement 3

[Government] needs to [promote the sustainable construction materials] because [this will help them building a good image in front of the public]

Point of View Statement 4

[Jinpu] needs to [evaluate this new material and test its properties by his data science knowledge] because [he’s trying to find a job in this filed ]

Selected Point of View Statement

You’ll select the Point of View statement that you’ll carry forward to inspire and guide your design work after our next class meeting on Mon, Jul 3.