Module 4 - Points to Ponder

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Module 4 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

What types of building information are best portrayed in 3D views?

I think the main thing that automatically is improved in 3D is windows, especially ones that would normally require a special section to see in a floor plan. This thought applies to curtain walls as well. Rooms generally are much easier to imagine living in when they are in 3D as well, because the furniture comes to life.

Give examples of how the building information for a specific location in the project needs to be filtered for different audiences and purposes?

The audience for the house is extremely important, especially for houses intended to be secondary, such as this one. If your audience is a family, you will need to account for children’s bedrooms, a garage with rooms for multiple cars, and perhaps even a playroom. If you are designing for a childless couple you’d want to prioritize the fun rooms, such as making a tv room and maybe even adding a bar.

How can schedule views be used to assist with procurement and model-based estimating?

Schedules are the most efficient way to compile all the information on materials and things, such as doors and windows, that need to be bought before the building starts. Schedule sheets are also essential in figuring out the general pricing of materials for the building.