Intended users
The intended users are the big companies looking to build campuses or big headquarters. This trend is booming especially in the Silicon Valley where all the tech companies want to build campuses for their employees to work and/or live in. This was the case for Apple with the Apple Park.
Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for
These kinds of projects are very expensive to build but are also so big that the carbon footprint of these buildings is exetremely high. Even though these companies usually have the money and the ambition to invest in net zero buildings, the construction in itslef already emits a lot of carbon.
The solution I am going to provide will allow the costumer to input some parameters which will have an influence on the building’s shape and features. All of these are then taken into account to provide the user with different outputs concerning finances and environmental elements.
The building shape will be inspired by Apple park since it is going to be a ring surrounding and surrounded by a park.
The different inputs the customer will be able to choose are the following:
- Radius of the outside facade of the building
- Radius of the inside facade of the building
- Height of the building
- Number of elevators in it
- Roof shape
- Environmental “friendly” option
Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement
Once all of these inputs have been indicated by the user, they are used to generate the building’s general shape, elevators’ position, depth of the foundations, facade surface and frame.
Once the shape is obtained, all the physical elements are used to make some calculation to obtain the different outputs we are aiming for.
Depending on the selection or not of the environmental friendly option or not, the outputs will change.
The different outputs the customer will be able to see and use to help make a decision are the following:
- The general shape of the building
- The price necessary for its construction
- The carbon emited by building it
- The number of trees that the company would have to plant on its land to make sure they really or net zero over the life cycle of the building