
Link to Design Team
Journal Entry For
Project 3 - How Might We?
Aug 9, 2024 6:55 PM
Last edited by
Last Edited
Aug 9, 2024 7:36 PM

Possible Features:

  • Sustainable food production
  • Food waste management → fertiliser
  • Carbon capture storage
  • Agroecology: Promoting diverse ecosystems in agricultural landscapes to enhance resilience and sustainability.
  • Agroforestry: Combining agriculture and forestry practices to create diverse, productive, and sustainable land-use systems.
  • Vertical farming (to save space)
  • Research centre (i.e. for plant based meat)
  • Sustainable rearing of livestock
  • Water management
  • Facilities rely on solar / wind energy
  • Precision agriculture (IoT)
  • carbon credits to be economically self sufficient

App Ideas:

  • Food trading system - people trade produce with each other
  • App allows families to input the food they want that week.
    • AI, drones deliver the food to their door ensuring less food waste and less food cost for families
  • App features
    • Calories intake per household
    • Demand and supply function (i.e. markup the price accordingly)
    • App coins

Look into Bhutan’s carbon negative emission livelihood

Colin Suggestions

-pick a specific crop.

-Crops at different heights depending on sunlight needed.

  • Attract bees to pollinate