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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Testing Session 1
What did you observe?
What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?
- They gave me their unique opinions. Some of the people were on a more emotional side and were extremely excited about the product. Others, on the other hand, were more logically thinking. These people would think about such aspects as hygiene, product costs, breathability, and personal preferences.
- 3/4 people with whom I had time and pleasure to interact were stunned and pro the idea of my prototype (solar paneled clothes and hydroelectric generator inside of a toilet). The last person was also lenient with my product; however, she was concerned with hygiene and her appreciation for only some of the products (like solar-powered caps, not jackets).
What feedback did your users share after the testing?
What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?
- “I like the product so much! It is so interesting. I think the solar-paneled clothes idea is crazier than a toilet with an electro generator. I think the idea with a hydroelectric generator in a pool is cooler.”
- “What if I sweat in clothes with solar panels? How will it feel like? What should be done to the clothes to make it breathable.”