Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Aware John

  • 40s
  • 2 kids
  • Male
  • Knows that he is supposed to collect the trash at the beach and feel guilty when not doing so
  • Don’t have the habit of bringing a trash bag with him, pointing the lack of infrastructure as his main pain point

Conscious Kelly

  • 25s
  • Female
  • Brings a trash bag every time that goes to the beach
  • Don’t leave until she makes sure that all her trash was given a proper destination

Litter Bill

  • 30s
  • Class B/C
  • Male
  • Don’t feel guilty in leaving trash behind at the beach
  • Don’t collect the trash if there is any kind of difficulties/obstacles to it