Design Project 3 | Interview & Survey

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Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Interviews / Surveys
Aug 7, 2024 10:52 PM
Last edited by
Ali Alhammadi
Last Edited
Aug 13, 2024 7:27 PM
Please paste links to PDF versions of your 24x36 posters here by Wed, Aug 14 at 9am.

If you live in on a floating city, what do you want?

What do you don’t want?

What difficulty will you encounter?

What do you hope to find on board?


Clean fresh water ( no oil floating, no algae, fresh water)

Greenery( both parks and greens in individual homes)

Walkable society

Scenery that makes people less isolated

Energy safety

Underwater museums that exhibit old Venice

Public transportation

Self floating materials

Venice style building

Extensible city

Counter weight

Nuclear reactor

Tube for transportation

Trash system

Kid safety

Flexible walls

Multi story UV light

Boat garden