Points to Ponder

Submitted For
Module 7 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Which types of structural framing systems and materials are most commonly used in the US for residences? For office buildings?

What factors determine why these are the most used materials?

I think that the most commonly used material in structural framing is wood and the most commonly used structural framing is the same one we used in our last project which refers to platform framing.

What strategies can design teams use to find and avoid clashes prior to the start of construction? 

What can be done besides sharing the models digitally?

I can't imagine how hard it must have need for the design teams to find and avoid clashes prior to the start of construction. But what I believe is that they sketched it and drew it on paper and used blueprints.

At what point in the project development process should design coordination start? 

I think that once the architectural design model (structure of the entire building) is finished and verified, it is the right time to start the design coordination.