~Wooden Waves~
I have always wanted a large piece of 3D art on my wall in my room, however, on a college budget that is usually not possible. However, this year I learned how to use the ShopBot, which is a CNC machine that carves into wood and can make 3D forms. For a while I tried to think of something to make and then I found something on Pinterest I LOVED: wooden wave wall art! Here are some example pictures below:

Intended users
People who want to make their own wooden art piece and have access to a ShopBot and table saw.
Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for
Generate possible designs for wooden wall art. When looking at examples, certain shapes call to me while others I find visually unappealing. My program will be a way to input your specific design parameters and generate thousands of solutions, so you can find the perfect piece.
Length of Rectangle: The final length of your wall art (distance measured in direction from floor to ceiling)
Width of Rectangle: The width of the rectangle before it is cut into pieces. Measured horizontally, from wall to wall. The final width (after pieces are cut and spaced) will be shown below.
Height of piece: Maximum height of the piece from base to tip of curves. Measure from wall outwards.
Base Height: how much material you want below the curves.
Number of Pieces: How many equal slices you would like. Set to one for a solid rectangle
Spacing in between pieces
Number of defining curves: How many curves will be generated and lofted together. This will control how much change there is throughout the piece.
Amplitude Chaos: Measured from 0-1. The amplitude of each wave is generated randomly from a domain. This parameter determines the maximum of that domain. A lower number will result in lower waves, a higher number will have more “chaos” between waves (some low, some high).
Period Chaos: Measured from 0-1. The period of each wave is generated randomly from a domain. This parameter determines the maximum of that domain. A lower number will result in smoother waves (low period), a higher number will have more “chaos” between waves (some smooth, some bumpier).
Seed: Each number will generate a random outcome. You can go back to a pattern you liked by entering the same seed.
Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement
At a high level, I will use Grasshopper to generate a series of random curves, loft them together, cut them into pieces, and move them into place.
Thousands of options of curved wave wall art models.