Team Elevator Pitch Script

Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Team Elevator Pitch
Team Elevator Pitch Script

C: This is Dancing Dan. He is in his groove. He is entering this cramped dorm kitchenette, ready to cook some spaghetti. But, what he saw was, dirty dishes piled up in the sink, ants running along the counter tops, and food left to rot in the fridge. It is gross, there’s no way he can cook in this mess.

(Rowan is acting out the scene)

N: Pause

Cindy and Rowan freeze

This kitchenette needs an upgrade.

Rearrange to start pitch

R: Here we have the Clevernette by us, the Kitchen Krew. The Clevernette is equipped with sliding glass doors that allow you to see the whole room. This opens up the space, making it more inviting, and it leads to more accountability for messes.

C: One of the first things you see in the Cleverette is the sink. It is no ordinary sink. With a press of a button, the sink turns into a dishwasher. Racks pop up for you to put your dishes in. Then a clear cover slides over, so that you can see dishwashering in action. In just a few minutes of time, your dishes will be cleaned. This innovative technology is not only saves water, but it is also saves your time.

N: After the sink is done washing your dishes, you still need to dry them. That is where our drying shelves come in. No need for a towel or any extra space. Just place your dishes on the shelves where they can dry themselves, and be stored and ready for use.

R: Not only do the dishes clean themselves, but so do the countertops with the disinfecting UV light on the ceiling that automatically sanitizes the kitchenette every night.

C: Where the UV lights don’t shine, the food tracker helps out. This device on the fridge notifies you, before your food goes bad, to prevent food waste and bad smells.

N: The Clevernette is the perfect sustainable kitchenette for the dorms. With a fridge that helps prevent food waste, and a convertible sink-dishwasher that conserves water. The cleaning features also help the Clevernette maintains the usability of the space, guaranteeing that dorm students can continue to enjoy it.

R: Join the Kitchenette crew now by donating just 5$, to help us implement the Clevernette across campus. Improving the kitchenette for people like Dan.

N: Speaking of Dan, let’s see how he feels about the Clevenette.

C: This is Dancing Dan, again, he is in his groove. He his walking into the Clevernette, where it is clean and ready to cook in. Dan is excited to cook his spaghetti, and share it with all his friends.

N: End scene, any questions from the audience