Intended users
Engineers and architects using BIM software such as REVIT or ALICE (a generative AI tool for building forms).
Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for
Increasingly, buildings are moving towards using steel or wood frames rather than traditional concrete. Designing a Configurator Tool that can generate such frames in different configurations would accelerate the process of designing buildings for those using BIM software.
(Image taken from ALICE software for CEE241).
- Steel or wood for material of beams
- Number of floors
- Height of each floor
- Length
- Depth
- Offset Distance from Frame
- U/V division by number of points or by max distance?
- No. of Beams in System
- Rotate Beams?
- Same inputs as above (can be the same as podium or different e.g. usually smaller due to offsets)
Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement
The logic should follow that for ‘Modelling a Rectangular Building Frame’, except that there should be an additional frame to account for the tower with its own set of inputs.
Additionally, there can be an indicator that estimates the environmental footprint for the resulting model (embodied carbon emissions), based on the material chosen (steel or wood).
The results will be produced as a Revit model that can then be further developed e.g. with cladding and other features.