
Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name (type the first few letter of your name, then select yourself in the list of linked records)
  • Rather than embedding a single link to ACC in the field above, embed the links to each of submission items in the text of your description below.

Images of My Analysis Results

Please paste two screenshots here, based on the options you chose to complete:

  • For Option 1, paste a screenshot of the Benchmark Comparison Graph showing the overall prediction for the energy use given the settings selected.
  • For Option 2, paste a screenshot showing the ending point of your 4D simulation.
  • For Option 3, paste a screenshot showing your building model in the Assemble web interface.


I chose options 2 and 3 for this assignment.

I made this decision because I wanted to try Navisworks, I already had the opportunity to play with Synchro Pro on a Master’s I made on Zigurat Global Institute of Technology. I use IFC files on that case. I wanted to try the same workflow but on native Autodesk files. I also used a software named Presto to do the 5D simulation, that's why I chose to use Assembly and make the same workflow on an Autodesk collaborative cloud service.

I had to add some floor I missed on the last assignment, that was my starting point. Installing Navisworks was easy and Assembly plug-in easier. The plug in to export from Revit to Navisworks was the catch. I try with the 2023 version first but I had Revit 2022, so I download the 2022 file. It was a repetitive process, but I learned some hacks on the way so I enjoy that. The video was no problem because of the good work.

The Assembly option showed me that the collaborative capabilities of the the Autodesk cloud is changing very fast and in a great direction regarding an easy user interface. Changing units and assigning costs was seamless, if you changed the unit price the total auto calculate and viceversa. Export had no problems.

Option 2: 4D Simulation

Option 3: Model-Based Estimating
