Interview 4

Jun 23, 2021 2:10 AM
Submitted By
Alexander Jefferson Schaefer
Property 4
Property 5

Personal Background:

Middle-aged (~45), engineer

Talking points:

  • What does sustainability mean to you?

It means something in the long term with a net gain. Reusability, and creating more than you use. They note cutting down trees; as long as you plant more trees than you cut down, than the net gain is positive.

  • How do you use sustainability ideas personally?

They recycle construction materials both for personal projects and in a work setting, they have a vegetable garden, and note that they are vaguely conscious of their plastic use, choosing larger or reusable plastic containers. They focused mainly on personal energy use, partially out of a sustainability mindset.

  • What sustainability changes would you like to see in society?

They strongly note our heavy reliance on fossil fuels, and recommend solar as the eventual solution to this. They also note having energy production close to the places they are used to avoid loss from distance-travelled. As a note, they focused on personal/economic changes rather than political ones like Interview 1.

Noted Foci:

  • Energy focus
  • Materialistic approach