Design Journal Entry - Module 7

Journal Entry For
Module 7 - Building Envelope Systems
ACC Folder Link
ACC Revit File Link
Jan 6, 2025 12:34 AM
Last Edited
Jan 6, 2025 12:34 AM
Created by
Glenn Katz

Please enter Your Name to link to your Design Journal, and paste a link to your personal folder on ACC in the ACC Folder Link field above.

For 2 Units

Please share your design showing the features of the proposed building envelope, including the locations and characteristics of:

  • the wall and roof surfaces
  • the openings/glazed surfaces
    • windows and/or curtain walls
    • doors
    • skylights
  • any shading or sun control features

For 3 Units

  • Use your Building Element Model to create an Energy Model.
  • Submit this Energy Model to the Insight analysis tool to explore how the choices and specifications you’ve made in your Building Element Model affect the predicted energy performance.
    • Be sure to set the Operating Schedule factor tile to use the BIM value.
    • Narrow the range of values being considered for the building envelope-related factor tiles to focus on the BIM Model value or better.
  • Explore how other factors (such as Photovoltaic panel options) can further improve your building performance — by using renewable energy to complement your energy saving envelope features.
  • Share the results of your Insight optimization:
    • Include an image of the EUI meter and range indicator after you’ve made your adjustments to show what your current assumptions predict and how much potential there is for additional improvements.
    • List the key Factor Tile settings that are driving these results.

For 4 Units

  • Use one of the Daylight Analysis methods demonstrated to assess the daylighting levels available with your proposed building envelope design:
  • Choose one of these methods:
    • Option 1: Use the Revit Lighting Analysis extension to produce an Illuminance Map of one of the levels of your proposed design.
      • Be sure to watch the videos for tips about what you’ll needed to include in your building model for the lighting analysis to produce valid results. For example, you’ll need to place Rooms and Floors.
      • To analyze your model for 0 credits, be sure to choose a single level at a time and use 72 inch grid as the analysis resolution.
      • image
      • Paste an image of the resulting Illuminance Map.
    • Option 2: Use the Revit Cloud Render tool to produce Illuminance Renderings of three key areas in your building model.
      • Place cameras in your model to create 3D camera views to be rendered.
      • Use the View > Cloud Render tool to generate Illuminance Renderings for these camera views.
      • Paste images of the Illuminance Renderings into your Design Journal posting.

Whilst going through my final design journal, I observed I missed this journal entry for the project checking but had the practice exercise completed at the allotted time period.

  • Note: Ran into difficulty running analyze on Revit and could not see results from the analysis for a few days and the was able to see it now.

Generated the initial estimate building EUI in insight

This EUI score was significantly higher than the Architecture 2030 target (16.1) even if it fell short of the ASHRAE criteria (136.9). Therefore, in order to lower my overall building EUI value, I focused on system modulation in Insight for the high impact areas of scheduling, HVAC system, facade WWR, envelope and roof insulation, lighting and plug load efficiency, infiltration, and solar PV efficiency. Below is a summary of the systems and values I chose, along with the final minimal EUI value I was able to attain:


Updates to the Floor Plan

The bathrooms were repositioned to strategically access program areas, and they were located next to one another or an MEP room/shaft to enable the installation of shared wet walls. Plumbing fixture installation, operation, and maintenance expenses are decreased when a common wet wall is used including ADA compliance measures

  • Circulation: - Two elevators are located in the middle of the building so they are easier to see when entering through the main lobby.
  • Egress: - changed the exits to become designated areas with walls that serve as partitions between them and the main structures. This complies with fire code regulations and permits a direct exit from every building without requiring a return trip via the primary areas that are functional.