Image of My Model
In this assignment, the first step is to penalize the surface created in the previous assignment. Then divide the surface into quad points set and link the points to the adaptive panel to create the shelter. By using browse node, one can select the image from the local computer. And then get the color information from each defined pixel. In order to create a flip or mirror effect, it is important to reverse or transpose the color list. The next step is creating an embossed or debossed effect. By reading the brightness from the color list, one can rearrange the list to a selected value. And assign the arranged value to the "height" of the element to create the effect. The next step is to calculate the sun's directness strength by using the dot product. Noticed that it is important to flip some of the normalized vectors to make sure all of them are pointing outward. At this point, one can rearrange the directness strength to match a color range. In this case, I used the green to the red color range. Then I compared the directness with a specific value(0.3) to generate a boolean list and use this list to set the opening of the sun screen of each element.