Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Aesthetic Ally

  • Late 20s, environmentally conscious and actively looking for ways to reduce her carbon footprint.
  • Works in a creative field and values aesthetics and functionality in her living space.
  • Sees green roofs as a blend of practical environmental action and an opportunity to create a beautiful, natural space in her urban environment.

Community-Organzing Callie

  • Mid-30s, a community organizer and advocate for local sustainability initiatives.
  • Concerned about urban heat islands and local biodiversity; sees green roofs as a community-focused solution.
  • Interested in the communal benefits of green roofs, such as improved air quality and community gardening opportunities.

Tech Bro Thomas

  • In his early 30s, a tech professional with a keen interest in sustainable technologies.
  • Passionate about smart homes and integrating technology with eco-friendly living.
  • Views green roofs as a way to incorporate green tech into his home, potentially exploring options like solar panel integration or smart irrigation systems.

Colin’s Comments: I wonder where, when and how each of these characters had their perspectives on sustainability take shape. For example, if you asked Aesthetic Ally to do the A Message to My Past Self exercise, what would she recall most enthusiastically (and gratefully) about the reason she is environmentally conscious. These might be moments that could be reproduced or emphasized to support the product you are designing.