
Interview - Joe Bohman

Basic Info:

Male, father, late 40s, software engineer SVP for company, energy knowledable.

For a long distance trip and you had to stop for 15 minutes, what would you want to do in that time?

Wants to relax, get a drink/hot towel, comfy seating, move around.

When you travel do you typically travel alone, with friends, or with family?

Typically alone. Has traveled 18 of 28 weeks alone this year on business, another 3 with family.

If you had access to a quick stretch/workout space, for no extra cost for you, would you use it? Why?

Yes. He is very passionate about stretching and the need people have for it. A workout was iffy, but stretching was big for him.

Do you own an EV car?

No, because Tesla wont buy his software.

If not, what are some barriers stopping you from getting an EV car?

The charging isn’t convenient. There are not enough varieties of EV cars out there, so he does not feel like there is a car that fits his personality.

If not, would you consider getting an EV car in the future?

As long as there were more varieties and better charging, yes he absolutly would and he is planning on it because he really cares about energy.