Design Project 2 | Sharing (Script)

Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Sharing

User Needs Statement / POV @Shaya

Essential Features of Final Design Proposed @Delara

Now, you might be wondering, what are the features to GreenStop?

Well let me tell you our three essential features.

Number 1, having a digital screen. This interactive digital screen has various uses to it. It includes bus tracks and times to plan around your day if you’re a tourists as well as routes and places to see on campus. Some other features include counts downs for when buses are close to coming, weather data and a SOS feature in case of an emergency where you can call to get help.

Number 2, noticeability. A big issue with the current bus stops are that they are not visible to tourists walking by and new students on campus trying to get around. With our design we’ve created a structure that is easy to locate by all the main tourists attractions around campus.

Number 3, electric shared bikes. Let’s say you find GreenStop but you don’t want to wait for the next bus to come. Well we created the option for you to use a bike at the same exact location. At the side of this bus station you’ll find a row of bikes to select from and just by using an app you can rent this bike for however long you want and drop it back off at ant GreenStop location on campus.

Sustainability Analysis @Yijing (Melanie) Wang

So what makes GreenStop sustainable?

  1. GreenStop consists two sustainable features, the first being two large solar panels on the station that generates energy for electric bikes, digital display, and LED lights, making it a self-sustaining structure. The second is sliced pillars that enables a self-cooling system. When cool air enters through them, hot air rises out through the top and sides. Greenery on the sides further reduces radiant heat, making the station energy-efficient.
  2. The noticeable bus station attracts tourists, encouraging sustainable travel with public transportation, such as buses and electric bikes, reducing car usage and carbon dioxide emissions.
  3. As sustainable behavior spreads, the local community and Stanford's image will benefit, inspiring other universities to follow its example.

And that is how our bus station is a sustainable structure that promotes sustainable behaviors.

Competitive Analysis @Satoshi


Then, who is our rival? We believe our biggest competitor is cars.

Because the Stanford campus is huge, it is common in the university to take more than 10 minutes to walk from the current location to the destination. But we all feel tired of walking for more than 10 minutes. Same as tourists. So, when they realize that it would take more than 10 minutes to walk to their destinations, they will take rides, meaning they will either drive their cars or take buses on the campus.

Then how can GreenStops beat our competitor? GreenStop can attract tourists by utilizing its locations. As bus stations are located much closer to tourist places than parking lots, it would be much more convenient for tourists to use buses.

Not only is GreenStop eye-catching to tourists but it will also get the attention of students tired of walking around all day.

Let’s create our sustainable stop and make a change. GreenStop is the way to go!