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Image of My Model
The parametric model was completed using four different types of adaptable Revit Elements.
- Ribs: Tube - 3pt - Uniform
- Panels: Rect_AperaturePanel
- Cable Struts: Tube - 2pt - Tapered (End 1 Radius, End 2 Radius)
- Cables: Tube - 2pt - (Uniform Radius)
The structure is fully parametrized for ease of design. The overall length of the structure is on a number slider. The ribs are formed using three curves where the base and mid curve are linear and the outside curve follows a sine curve (with adjustable amplitude and number of waves) for added form. The curves are based off of geometry translations from the line along the x-axis. The structure is symmetric and the beams in the negative y-direction are a prescribed 'offset' distance. The number of ribs can also be changed using an integer slider. The radius of the ribs can be changed using a number slider. The rib curves were discretized into panel points using the 'Quad from Rectangular Grid' node. The number of panels can be selected from a number slider. The Aperature Panel parameter 'WallThickness' is changeable on a number slider. The cable struts protrude up from the ribs (in an x pattern) and thus use the 'number of ribs' slider to control the number of struts. The struts have a top and bottom radius slider for design. The cables were idealized at tubes and connect to the end of each rib. The cables radius also have a number slider to control the radius.
The structure was idealized as a metal/wood train platform awning that covers two platforms, one on either side. The parametrized structure can be adjust in all directions: length, width, awning reach, overall height. This is in order to provide an model for different sized platforms or needs. The Aperature panels were used specifically for the opening adjustability (envision glass panel inserts).