Anjana Mohan


Revit screenshot Dynamo screenshot

My original intent was to have a pentagonal pergola, but I softened the edges and added a sine wave to one of the edges to arrive at the current form. Every change in the parameters of the original lines will result in a different and unique shape. Hence, the model is dynamic.

  • Step 1: The first step is to create the lines required for the geometry. Five lines are necessary for this form — two bases, two edges, and one the apex edge. I have used Number Sliders to enable us to change the form of the model with every slide.
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  • Step 2: The next step is to define a sine wave for the apex edge. The Slider for amplitude and number of waves can be changed to see the extent of waves in the apex edge.
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  • Step 3: Points are placed on the lines, and using Curve.PointAtParameter.
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  • Step 4: Then, the points on the lines are used to create the curves that would define the geometry of the structure.
  • Step 5: Once the solid surface is created using the Loft option and the contents are transferred to Revit for viewing, the surface is divided into a rectangular grid that will take the adaptive panels.
  • Step 6: Finally, the geometry is filled with adaptive curtain panels using the AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints option. The parameter for its thickness is also set.
  • Step 7: The geometry appears on Revit, where the visibility graphics for the panels is changed to have a mix of opaque and transparent panels.