Points to Ponder

Submitted For
Module 3 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Why is it important to accurately model the land features of your project site with a toposurface?

  • It is important to accurately model the land features of the project site you are realizing with a toposurface because it provides the architects a solid foundation of what thy have to work with. It really brings together the whole project and clearly shows how the house should be built in relation to the land features.

When designing a project...

  • When designing a project, the most important thing to do, is first understand the land you have to work with and obviously adapt to it and built your project around it. It is also obviously possible to modify the land the way you would want it, but most of the time I would say adapting the building to the terrain is the way to go. Depending on if it is a 100% new project or if the terrain already has building conditions, you can choose whether to adapt the terrain to the building or adapt the building to the terrain. I also think that based on the project, budget, client or even depending on the soil condition, some people might consider restructuring the terrain.

What are the advantages of stacking the levels of a multi-story building vertically?

  • Can you share an interesting example of a building that doesn’t vertically stack (where the floor plates change their shaped radically between the floor levels)?
  • What were the advantages or reasons for non-vertical stacking?

The advantages of stacking the levels of a multi-story building vertically has its advantages, it is compact and saves space. Vertical stacking can also be dangerous if workers do not follow the safety guidelines. Non vertical stacking also allows a better communication and it might make employees more motivated. An example of a building that doesn’t vertically stack would be a skyscraper.