I started this project by creating the base curve line and roof controlling curve as shown in Figure 2. The curvature of the base curve can be controlled by the curvature parameter slider, and the radius could be changed by setting a new start point and endpoint. The roof wave was created mathematically by using sin function, the number of waves and amplifier sliders offered an easy way to flex the roof wave.
As shown in Figure 3, I created a middle controlling wave by translating the base wave to an adjustable height. Next, I divided the curves into placement points for ribs, the number of ribs could be controlled by a slider.
Then the placement points were listed and transposed to create vertical curves, and the vertical curves were divided by equal segment length to create placement points for panels as shown in Figure 4. The number of Panels could be controlled by the slider.
As shown in Figure 5, Quads from the Rectangular Grid function was used to create quad points and then flattened for placing panels, then Tubes were placed based on the placement points defined before in Figure 4.
The quad point was then divided into two patterns, the even number items would have the ability to change the wall thickness and the odd number items would have the ability to change the Wall Angle.