Brandon Hariyanto

Create Two New Evaluator Nodes






Testing Node




Modeling Approach

Using the previously designed conceptual masses, I decided to create two new evaluator nodes that built on top of evaluating value using mass floors and directness of a view. Previously I only used one input parameter, so for this assignment I decided to add an addition middle rotation parameter on top of the top height. For the first evaluator node I decided to obtain total cost of the building, which accounts for the surface area of the building. This surface area is divided into the floor levels and for simplicity sake, the same formula used to calculate the value of the mass floors is used. The second node built on top of the directness node. The object of interest was inserted by using a cylinder conceptual mass to represent the bay the building overlooks. Using directness, I essentially created a value system for the building. To find the total value of the building I used a estimate of $1,500,000 per unit, then multiplied it by the number of units which needs to account for floor levels and then multiplying it by the directness to account resulted in a value system depending on the building alternatives.

Point to Ponder: Do the new evaluation metrics that you’ve designed capture the meaningful differences between the building form alternatives? What other metrics would be useful to compute to help understand and make the case for which alternatives are truly better than others?

The new evaluation metrics definitely capture meaningful differences between different building alternatives. This definitely has potential in designing a building with the most ideal parameters to increase directness, which therefore increases value of the building. Potentially adding line of sight into this node can further refine the value system for the building.

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