HVAC System Recommendations

Create a posting that includes:

  • A screenshot of an interior view of your merged model from Model Coordination showing the HVAC elements.
  • A brief paragraph discussing:
    • any challenges that you encountered in this supply duct routing exercise
    • Issues Connections: Ducts seem to connect but in model view they do not connect - there is no warning by Revit what is connected and what is not. Section box did not work/activate and therefore no meaningful corrections were possible within Revit to adjust those connections. Positions: Correct positioning of ducts seems impossible depending on which view is used (Revit floor, Revit 3D section or ACC Model Viewer). All three show for the same heigth from reference floor different spatial relaton. E.g. 10ft from bottom, 1ft from wall looks different on all three. I have tested for floor distance ranges between 7ft and 14ft – visuals very similar within Revit to understand what is correct. The intended logic was 12ft floor, 10ft distance for HVAC from bottom floor- but intended visuals shows 10ft positioned as if in the middle of floor.


      Summary: One needs to hire 2FTE for one task due to Revit poor visual audit functions: 1FTE to work on visual inconsistencies and bug issues, 1FTE to do the actual job of model logic and design composition.

    • whether your proposed design meets the project’s spatial design goals
    • Proposed design meets non-visually (i.e. metrically) all specifications: 10ft from floor, position of ducts in middle of building and away from windows to avoid blocking views, flow schedule is consistent between demand and supply volume, rectangular ducts for each cover with decorative elements
    • image
    • any recommendations to make the design more sustainable (and lower the heating and cooling loads) - the model can be optimized tangibly by rotating the position of building such that open spaces like public areas and cafes face the largest amount of daylight. Otherwise, reducing the area for public spaces (i.e. additional walls) will allow for better heat distribution and management.