Carrie Tam

Parametrized Pavilion Geometry

Model rendering seen below.

Exterior Rendering of Pavilion incorporated in a natural environment
Exterior Rendering of Pavilion incorporated in a natural environment

Model Geometry

Axonometric from Revit

5 divisions, Ext. Arch Height Scale = 1, Droops Between Ridge Size = -0.3
5 divisions, Ext. Arch Height Scale = 1, Droops Between Ridge Size = -0.3
9 divisions, Ext. Arch Height Scale = 2, Droops Between Ridge Size = 0
9 divisions, Ext. Arch Height Scale = 2, Droops Between Ridge Size = 0
16 divisions, Ext. Arch Height Scale = 3, Droops Between Ridge Size = -0.3
16 divisions, Ext. Arch Height Scale = 3, Droops Between Ridge Size = -0.3

Plans & Elevations from Revit

Plan View of 9 division option. Note that all plans will be donut-shaped and follow a perfect circle.
Plan View of 9 division option. Note that all plans will be donut-shaped and follow a perfect circle.
Elevation of 6 division model. Note: middle droop ratio was set to -0.3.
Elevation of 6 division model. Note: middle droop ratio was set to -0.3.
Elevation of 9 division model. Note: scale between the interior arches and exterior arches was set to 2.
Elevation of 9 division model. Note: scale between the interior arches and exterior arches was set to 2.

Modeling Approach

The modeling process followed the listed steps here:

  1. Defining Base Geometry using Revit & Mathematical Equations
  2. Creating 3 sets of NURBs splines to be used to in Loft Surface Command
  3. Rotating Geometry around Central Axis (Z-Axis)
  4. Assigning Adaptive Families in Revit to the Dynamo-Defined Geometries
Full mapping of Dynamo script and 3D view of 16 division structure in Dynamo
Full mapping of Dynamo script and 3D view of 16 division structure in Dynamo
Dynamo perspective of 16 division structure, including ribbing under the arches.
Dynamo perspective plan of 16 division structure. Note: exterior and interior arches follow a circular pattern which has been distorted here because of perspective.

Parameters Used

Defining Geometry

The blocks in the below image were used to extract the initial geometry from Revit and to create a quadratic curve which starts at the base of the Revit circle. In this step, the following parameters are adjustable:

  1. Radius of base circle from Revit
  2. Number of divisions (number of arches in each of the interior and exterior circles)
  3. Number of steps in ridge curves
  4. Height of ridge curves
  5. Width of ridge curves (adjustable using “Scale Factor” parameter)

Creating Ridges & Archways in Between

The blocks in the below images were used to create 3 sets of points used to form NURBs curves in the next step. In this step, the following parameters are adjustable:

  1. Height of each of the archways (adjustable using “Scale Factor” parameters)

Creating a Surface by Lofting Between 3 Archways

The blocks in the below image is used to create NURBs curves from the lists of points that were previously created and to form a surface using the loft from curves tool in Dynamo. In this step, the following parameters are adjustable:

  1. The discretization of the 3 NURBs (adjustable using “# Steps” parameters)

Create Revit Geometry from Dynamo Elements

The blocks in the below images are used to add adaptive family instances to Revit using the determined Dynamo geometry. In this step, the following parameters are adjustable:

  1. Radii and depths of tubes and beams
  2. The frame width as a percentage is meant to be randomized for each panel, but I only figured out how to randomize it between different divisions. I didn’t like that, so I just left it as a fixed parameter for now. This will be something to go back to in the future.
Final Result from a perspective view loaded into BIM360
Final Result from a perspective view loaded into BIM360


This pavilion was designed as a temporary shelter for exterior use. The pavilion was designed to be used with wood or timber framing and a wood and glass composite panel. Adaptive families were provided by the CEE220C course library.

Exterior Rendering of Girl Reading under Pavilion for Shade
Exterior Rendering of Girl Reading under Pavilion for Shade