Design Journal Entry - Module 11

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Journal Entry For
Module 11 - Power & Lighting Systems
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Mar 11, 2024 4:04 AM
Last Edited
Mar 11, 2024 5:08 AM
Created by
Jatzia Ariette Felix

I modeled power and lighting systems for my second floor which is very similar to floors 3, 4, and 5. This gives a good sense of how the systems will work throughout the whole building.

Power system

For my outlets I used both the plain quadruplex and duplex receptacles. I tried to spread them out by alternating them so that they can reach as far as possible. I split each circuit up with around 7 outlets each. I did not include outlets in the halls as these are just walkways and I would not want something obstructing the path by being plugged in. If someone is not in a room and needs an outlet there are some in the nooks of the corridors which have seating and more space. I also included GFCI duplex and quadruplex receptacles on the usable terraces so these can be work places. I used 3 208V MLO 600A Lighting and Appliance Panels to supply the outlets and lights.


Lighting System

For the rooms and hallways I used 2X4 4 lamp troffer lights with 120V. I connected each room to its own circuit and added switches by all of the doors. For the rooms with one door I used single pole switches, and the exhibit room with 2 doors I used a 3 way switch. I connected all the switches to the circuit. For the bathroom I used an 8 inch recessed downlight can with 120V. Because of the asymmetrical shapes in my building, I made all of the lights in one area have the same orientation and spread them out in rows. All the footcandle requirements are met
