Module 7 - Points to Ponder

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Module 7 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Why do different teams of designers and subcontractors link and share their models during the design process? 

What are the advantages of linking models?

  • It allows for better design and engineering alignment over the development process, minimizing error from both sides. The sort of analyses and views that can be generated from linked models are also much more information rich.

Are there any disadvantages to linking models?

  • There could be—in respect to the structural & architectural models at minimum, it’s probably important to ensure that the models being linked represent the same version of the structure.

How do you think design coordination was done before we started using digital models? 

  • The designers and developers involved probably sent each other copies of their specific plans to be drawn over/generate new plans. More coordination may have even been left to when construction actually started.

At what point in the project development process should design coordination start? 

  • This likely depends on the relationship between the structural & architectural firms as well as the ambition of the structure being built. For buildings that would require very complex structural engineering, it would probably be useful to be able to incrementally step through a building’s design with both the architect & engineer so that changes to design could be informed more quickly.