Design Project 2 | Mini Proposals

Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Mini Proposal

Mini Proposal 1

Enter a 1-paragraph Mini Proposal (<300 words) that describes:

Domain: Travel/Transport

  • Your Space: Bridges
  • Your Community: Pedestrians
  • Your General Objective / Purpose
    • How might we make bridges beyond just crossing?
      • Transform bridges into sustainable and interactive spaces that cater to pedestrians' well-being and safety.
      • Reduce noise pollution through natural white noise generation, considering pedestrians' desire for a peaceful crossing experience.
      • Implement acoustic monitoring systems to provide pedestrians with valuable data on transportation impact, empowering them to make informed choices.
      • Introduce green acoustic barriers with vertical gardens to improve air quality and enhance the visual appeal of the bridge for pedestrians.
      • Create dedicated art spaces to enrich pedestrians' daily commutes, fostering a sense of community and promoting safe driving through engaging artwork.

1 Paragraph mini-proposal:

  • Inspired by a visit to Golden Gate Bridge, transform bridges into sustainable and iterative spaces that cater to the needs of walking pedestrians. Our proposal includes the implementation of natural white noise generation to reduce noise pollution, providing pedestrians with a peaceful crossing experience. Acoustic monitoring systems will be introduced to raise awareness of the impact of transportation on the environment, empowering pedestrians to make informed choices. Additionally, we plan to install green acoustic barriers with vertical gardens to improve air quality and enhance the visual appeal of the bridge. To foster community engagement, dedicated art spaces will be created, promoting safe driving through captivating artwork. The goal is to enhance bridges that promote pleasant experiences while prioritizing the well-being and safety of walking pedestrians.
Just random big thoughts/out-of-the-world ideas:

Mini Proposal 2


Enter a 1-paragraph Mini Proposal (<300 words) that describes:

The Sustainable Library

Studying is the essence of students' lives, but poor study habits can lead to significant health problems, both mentally and physically. Therefore, we introduce the Sustainable Library, a space that serves as a hub for studying and working and fosters healthy behaviors to holistically improve students' physical and mental well-being. The library's features are designed to address four broad problem areas:

1. Posture-related injuries: Improper posture and long hours of sitting can cause back and neck pain. To address this issue, the library will be equipped with ergonomic seating and workstations.

2. Eyesight damage: Overexposure to blue light and excessive screen time can damage the eyes, leading to temporary blurry vision and headaches. To prevent these problems, we plan to design specific blue-light-free screens and provide every room with light systems that emulate natural light, further mitigating the issue.

3. Sedentary lifestyle: "Mens sana in corpore sano," an ancient Roman saying, translates to a healthy mind in a healthy body. One of the goals of the Sustainable Library is to promote physical activity and outdoor breaks throughout the day. Designated spaces will encourage individuals to engage in light exercises or stretching activities.

4. Overstudying and burnouts: Increasing social pressure to excel can push students to overstudy, leading to burnouts and anxiety, and potentially causing social impairment. To address this, the Sustainable Library will offer designated areas for relaxation and meditation. Encouraging students to take short breaks and recharge their minds will create a serene and stress-free atmosphere, fostering mental clarity and emotional well-being.

  • Domain: Educational & Health
  • Your Space: a Sustainable Library
  • Your Community: Students
  • Your General Objective / Purpose: Creating a place where students can work and study while promoting sustainable and healthy behaviors to tackle problems related to both mental and physical health due to bad studying habits like overstudying, burnouts, sedentary lifestyle, bad posture, eyesight damage…

Mini Proposal 3

Enter a 1-paragraph Mini Proposal (<300 words) that describes:

Road infrastructure: Wind Turbine/Mobility road

Community: Members of the Stanford community that primarily travels by foot and commute by driving vehicles on campus

Area: Stanford Campus

  1. Traffic Wind Turbines in road streets
  2. Kinetic pads in densely populated commuting streets

Your General Objective / Purpose: Using natural resources to generate renewable energy to expedite travel while diminishing global warming on the pedestrian and vehicle roads

Limited by time constraints, students and faculty often need to travel across one of the largest campuses in the US to classrooms in a rushed and time-consuming manner. To expedite this process, the pedestrian road can move forward depending on the number of steps taken. The more steps that are taken, the faster the road escalates forward to drive pedestrians to their destination in the same direction. The force is driven by thermal energy from the sensors on the road from the pressure of the steps pedestrians take, making their travels more convenient while applying zero carbon emissions in this green style of transportation.

Across from the pedestrians, a wind turbine is installed in the center of a road with cars traveling opposite ways to generate electricity to supply pedestrian and road lights from the wind force of passing traffic. While it is inevitable to avoid driving, the turbine makes use of existing emissions to generable renewable energy to help pedestrians and drivers stay alert of their surroundings during all times of traveling on the road while staying green.