Design Project Check-In: Plumbing Systems

Journal Entry For
Module 10 - Plumbing Systems
  1. Model Update for Check-in Session

At the beginning, there are some updates according to the feedback in the previous check-in session. The first problem is the coordination of my architectural model. I figured out that it is because I linked my mechanical model with an modified version of my architectural model, which is not exactly the same with the one on ACC. So I relink the architectural model and modify the coordination.


The TA also mentioned that the mechanical can not be fully closed, and a connection to other rooms or outside is needed. This change will be made in the module 10 check-in. In addition, I noticed that there is a serious problem for my model: Some of my ducts cross through the shear wall, which is not reasonable. Since the design would be super complex in order to avoid this problem, I would try to make some changes if I have extra time. From this lesson, I realize that It’s not wise to put shear wall next to the mechanical room.

  1. Create and build my Plumbing model

Then it’s time for module10 this week and create a plumbing model.


Since the restrooms are similar between the two in the same floor(The only difference is that one is for Male and the other is for Female), and restrooms are exactly the same for each floor, I start with the Public Restroom for Female on 1st floor. I create and set sinks, toilet and toilet stall to the right position. I also use the mirror tool to copy the elements from one side to the other.


Then I copy the elements from one restroom to the other. To be mentioned that there are some differences: 1. Since it’s a restroom for male, their are two urinals. 2. This restroom is connected to the mechanical room, so the number of toilets and sinks is decreased to get enough space.

Then I create a new plumbing model, and link my architectural model to it.


I create the three pipes for one restroom, and then use the copy and mirror tools to finish the rest of them.


The figure above shows the plumbing pattern for the entire building. Then we upload the plumbing model to ACC and emerge the different models together:

  1. Challenges in Module10

Module 10 Plumbing system is relatively easier than module9 HVAC system, since we do not need to od any analysis to get the load data. In this module, we can directly create the pipes and equipments, and then connect them together with the connect into tool. However, I encountered some small diffculties through the process: 1. I did not notice that the equipments have two different versions: architectural model and MEP model. At the first time I insert in, I mistakenly use the architectural model, and then I noticed that it can not be connected to the pipes. 2. Some of the equiments are not attached on the wall, which is hard to be applied.