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- Your Name as the Card title
- The link to your Module 4 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project
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Annalena Bellm - 2 units
To continue with my umbrella motif from Module 3, I wanted to be a symbol of hope for the users of my structure that protects them from the rain. Therefore, I added a picture of the sun that has rainbow rays shooting out from the sun. This sun will remind the users of my structure that the sun will always come out after the rain, and if you’re lucky, you will even see a rainbow.
To do this, I inputted an image to Rhino which will be mapped onto my adaptive element panels, as shown in the figure below.
Next, to allow for full customization by the clients, I added an ability to easily flip and/or mirror the image when it maps unto the structure. This function takes in a user input and requires minimal understanding of the Rhino code to use, as shown below.
The ease producing the results of the rotate and mirror functions are displayed in the screenshots below:
Rotate only:
Mirror only:
Rotate and Mirror:
With these options, the client can easily select the desired effect for the structure.