Module 9 Template

Submitted For
Module 9 - Performance-Based Design
ACC Link
Panorama View Link

Images of My Analysis Results

Please paste two screenshots here, based on the options you chose to complete:

  • For Option 1, paste a screenshot of the Benchmark Comparison Graph showing the overall prediction for the energy use given the settings selected.

Building operates 12/5 a week. At the time of its first prototyping stage, the starting benchmark comparison surpassed ideal values tremendously, from having no insulation for cold weather nor natural ventilation, the building required a strong cooling/heating system — requiring higher numbers of energy usage.

  • For Option 2, paste a screenshot showing the ending point of your 4D simulation.
  • image

2D Modeling of construction. This is a newly designed building from the one submitted in module 6, as Apporto unabled access to that previous project. A new building was modeled and created for both the 2D modeling and energy analysis.

Option 1: Building Performance Analysis

Upload your brief one-page summary of your recommended settings to reach your building performance goal to ACC Docs, then embed a public link here.


Be sure to include your recommendations for the top 10 most important factors (excluding HVAC). For each of the factors:

  • Take a screenshot showing the range of values that you selected to be included in the analysis.

Things majorly addressed (narrowed) during energy analysis procedure:

  • Briefly explain (in a sentence or two) why you’ve narrowed the range down to the values selected.

Once having analyzed the flaws showcased in the prototype of my building, the most notorious things to be addressed all concerned cooling/heating systems, light efficiency, and building self-sustainability. Having identified these problems, the wall-to-window ratio, window composition, and panel availability were taken into account.

1) Window Composition

(Applicable for Western, Eastern, and Northern Windows)


Window setting adopted to reduce energy usage. The current setting, Trp LoE, insulates windows from external heat, as well as, it facilitates the intake of sunlight into the building. Having this new setting not only does it bring natural light into the building, saving a greats amount of energy but also reduces the need for a strong HVAC system.

2) Lighting efficiency

(For the entirety of the building)


Reducing the use of light through Lighting efficiency, would not only reduce energy usage but also internal heat. The less lighting usage, the less heat is produced inside and the less an HVAC system is needed.

3) Operating Schedule


Limiting the operating schedule of the office to 12 hours for 5 days a week will dramatically decrease the EUI by about 25 kBtu/ft2/yr.

4) PV - Surface Coverage


The photovoltaic surface was set to 90% of the roof surface area to take full advantage of disoccupied area.

5) Infiltration


A filtration rate of 0.17 ACH would decrease EUI by approximately 5 kBtu/ft2/yr. Great when taking into account energy usage.

6) Solar panels

The paycheck period for solar panels would need to be 30 years based on the expected use time of the office building for it to significantly impact the energy efficiency of the building.

7) Wall WWR

The building counts with major curtain wall systems, meaning a window-to-wall ratio needs to increase. For insulation purposes and heat/cool retention, more walls are needed.

8) Plug Load Efficiency

The use of passive solar and PV energy will allow the reduction of power usage, meaning plug load efficiency will remain the same.

9) Building orientation

Building orientation will remain the same as the building shape is a cylinder. Due to its shape, all sides of the building will receive the same amount of sunlight no matter the orientation.

Option 2: 4D Simulation

Upload the video file showing your 4D simulation to ACC Docs, then embed a public link here.