Linh Dan Do

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  • Your Name as the Card title
  • The link to your Module 4 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project

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From my original design, I took out the ribbing tubes and instead placed a whole surface face. Using the surface, I created a UV grid to control the amount of grids in the u & v direction.


Then, I placed adaptive panels in the quads I made from the u-v grid.


In the “Select Image to Map” section, this is where an image (jpg, png, etc.) is loaded into dynamo to be pasted onto the surface grid. Different images can be selected through the browse selection.


Next, the image that is pasted onto the surface can be transposed or kept original by inserting a number into the code block.


After, the choice has been made, another choice to whether the image should be flipped vertically, horizontally, or kept in the original/transposed form.


Lastly, there is an option to emboss or deboss the image based on the brightness of the colors in each adaptive grid. By putting 0 in the code block, the image is embossed where the height of the grid will go in the positive z direction while 1 “deboss’ will have it in the negative z direction. The magnitude of the height of the adaptive component can be changed in the newMax code block variable.
