Hiroaki Fujii

Stage 1: Rise and Shine

Part 1

When I worked on Stage 1, I did not realize the Extrude node, so I created an curve in the XY plane and then rotated it 90 degrees to create the wall. When setting u and v for the panels, I determined the aspect ratio of the wall from the longest part of the arc and multiplied it by the number of panels in the X direction to keep the panels square. I needed two “Reverse” and two “Transpose” action to map the image.


Part 2

As in Part 1, after creating the curve in the XY plane, I rotated it in the XZ direction to create the wall surface. The number of panels, u and v, were calculated by dividing the height and length of the wall by 4 and 8, respectively, so that the 4” x 8” shape would be maintained. After mapping the image, I set the adaptive panel height according to the brightness.


Stage 2: Gonna Need Shades

First, I set the building width and depth in the XY plane, and extrude them to the height of the lower level walls in the Z direction. I set the bottom of the upper level wall to depend on the height of the lower level wall. I set the number of panels in the X direction (u) to vary with the building width and the panel width to maintain the desired width of the panels. After I rotated the panels so that the panel hinges are placed on the right, I set the color of the panels according to the sun position (white for the most direct orientation, black for the least direct orientation). I also set the shade rotation and the shade width based on the directness to the sun (the same value as the panel width for the most direct orientation, 0 for the least direct orientation) The shade height was set to be the same height as the panel.

Sun Location at 8:30 AM on April 30
Sun Location at 8:30 AM on April 30
Sun Location at 12:00 PM on April 30
Sun Location at 12:00 PM on April 30