Journal Entry For
Module 3 - Project Goals Targets & Strategies
Goal 1: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization
- Measure: Reduction in energy consumption and increase in renewable energy usage.
- Targets:
- Minimally acceptable: Achieving a 20% reduction in energy use compared to conventional buildings
- Desired/target: Achieving a 35% reduction in energy use compared to conventional buildings
- Strategies:
- Incorporating solar panels and other renewable energy systems to power the park.
- Designing buildings and spaces to maximize natural light and reduce the need for artificial lighting.
- Implementing energy-efficient appliances such as rainwater harvesting systems for sustainable water use.
Goal 2: Cultural Integration and Representation
- Measure: Number and effectiveness of interactive elements, spaces, or activities that promote cultural understanding.
- Targets:
- Minimally acceptable: Implementation of at least 3 distinct interactive elements or spaces dedicated to Xuan paper culture.
- Desired/target: More than 5 diverse interactive elements, spaces, or activities that engage visitors with different aspects of Xuan paper culture and history.
- Strategies:
- Developing interactive exhibits that allow visitors to experience the Xuan paper making process firsthand.
- Designing cultural workshops or spaces where visitors can learn traditional Chinese arts related to Xuan paper, like calligraphy or painting.
- Organizing regular cultural events, talks, or demonstrations by artists and craftsmen skilled in Xuan paper techniques.
- Implementing a black and white color scheme in design elements throughout the park to create an immersive experience that reflects the aesthetic of Xuan paper.
- Measure: Use of environmentally friendly materials and eco-conscious construction methods.
- Targets:
- Minimally acceptable: 30% of building materials are sustainable and sourced locally.
- Desired/target: 50% of building materials are sustainable, with a significant portion being renewable like bamboo.
- Strategies:
- Prioritizing the use of bamboo and other renewable or recycled materials in construction.
- Implementing green construction practices that minimize waste and environmental impact.
- Collaborating with local suppliers and craftsmen to reduce transportation emissions and support the local economy.

Goal 3: Sustainable Materials and Construction Practices