Design Journal Entry - Module 5/6

Journal Entry For
Module 5/6 - Building Layout & Circulation Systems
  • a link to your Space Budget
    • Space Budget: Note that in my actual Revit file, the Exhibits are much larger than what is allowed by my budget. This will be adjusted in the next module. A few additional rooms I figured would be good to add includes a security control room, a meditation room, and a theater. The first is important because I imagine the exhibits will feature technologies that are quite expensive and/or rare, the second is for the employees, and the theater is to showcase feature films that revolve around sustainable design. I realize with this space budgeting exercise that it is quite difficult to meet the 35,000 sqft requirement while also ensuring that the spaces are sized appropriately. Architects have to make a lot of important decisions to ensure a quality design is produced that is comfortable & aesthetically pleasing, but also meets the spatial constraints provided.
  • sketches or bubble diagrams showing the thinking behind your building layout
  • a link to your personal folder (containing your Revit model files) within our shared Autodesk Construction Cloud Project
    • See above!

Images of Building Layout

3D View


Note: I was not able to add exterior stairs or ramps because I haven’t yet figured out how to include them in Revit. I will need to spend more time looking through the modules in 220A or go to office hours to figure that out. I was, however, able to add egress doors on the first floor and and outdoor patio on the second floor of the North building.

Plan View

Level 1:


Level 2:
