Practice Exercise: Building Envelope Systems

Your building envelope recommendations for this practice exercise should feature:

  • Your recommended settings for the Insight Factor tiles
  • A screenshot from Insight showing the Predicted Mean EUI and the range of values resulting from your assumptions

Baseline Scenario:

  • R38 Roof Construction
  • 12/5 Operating Schedule
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Building Envelop-Related Design Decisions:

The lowest projected EUI that I achieved through making adjustments to the Baseline model that solely targeted building envelope and related elements was 38.6 kBtu/ft2-yr


Below were the adjustments made and the corresponding values:

  • Wall Construction: R38 Wood
  • Infiltration: 0.17 ACH

Power and Lighting Measures:

When only power and lighting measures were targeted for modulation in the baseline model, the lowest project EUI that I achieved was 35.0 kBtu/ft2-yr, which is around 3.6 kBtu/ft2-yr lower than the simulation that implemented only changes to the building envelope.


Below were the adjustments made and the corresponding values:

  • daylighting + occupancy controls
  • lighting efficiency: 0.3 W/sf
  • plug load efficiency 0.6 W/sf

Combined Power and Lighting measures + Building Envelope design changes:

When the above power and lighting measures were paired with the selected building envelope design changes, I achieved a building EUI of 30.5 kBtu/ft2-yr, which is lower than the EUI generated by targeted each area in isolation.


Benefits of PV Panels:

By adding PV panels to the Baseline model, the site EUI can be reduced to as low as 1.51 kBtu/ft2-yr.


The following PV details were implemented to achieve this result:

  • PV panel efficiency: 20.4%
  • PV payback limit: 30yr
  • PV surface coverage: 90%

Combining All Design Changes and Operation Measures

  • The combination of all the above design changes and operation measures related to the building envelope, power and lighting, and PV panels yields a building EUI of -11.3 kBtu/ft2-yr. This negative value means that the building is not only net zero, but actually produces excess energy.
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