Final Model Geometry

Model Inspiration
I drew my model inspiration from Francis Kere’s tree-inspired Serpentine Pavilion design shown below

Modeling Approach
Step 1: Defining the model geometry using three circular arcs of different sizes and at different heights. I made the first arc using the origin as the start point, and using a defined radius, a sweep angle and an axis - the radius and the sweep angle were both defined using sliders for flexibility. Then I used translate and offset nodes to create the second and third arcs at different levels, each time using a slider to allow for parametric flexibility of the heights as well as the width of the over hang. Below are the dynamo scripts for this step:

3 arcs defining the geometry of my shelter
Step 2: Making one of the defining geometry arcs curved using the sine wave function. I used the sine wave function + parameters like number of waves, wave definition points and wave amplitudes, to make the outer, upper-most arc (over hang) curved and wavy. The srcipt is shown below. I used sliders for the parameters mentioned above in order to allow for flexibility.
Step 3: Create placement points along the 3 arcs using the point at parameter node. I started by creating a list of the 3 arcs and then created placement points. I then transposed the resulting list of points to make sure that they were correctly grouped for placement of adaptive components. I used an integer slider to allow for flexibility of the number of placement points along the arcs.
Step 4: Add adaptive components and adaptive panels. To do this, I first added uniform tubes as my adaptive components using the script below
Then I created placement points for the adaptive panels by first dividing the curves and tube curves into points and grouping the points into quads for placement of the components. Afterwards, I added the rectangular pannels with resizable openings family which have parameters that can allow for parametric flexibility.

Step 5: Lastly in order to allow for creation of patterns on the panels, I created 2 lists of every other iten in the adaptive components panels list and then applied created two sets of parameters which would have different values in order to allow for creation of patterns. The 2 parameters considered include: Frame width percentage A and frame width percentage B which allow the panels to have different opening sizes.

Dynamic parameters that can flex the design
I made use of sliders for various parameters in order to make sure that it could be adjusted and flexed into many various forms, shapes and sizes. Here is a list of those parameters:
- Radius of the base circle (defining geometry)/ base radius of the shelter
- Sweep angle of the arc forming the base circle (to flex how complete the circle/ arc is)
- The height of the shelter (distance of translation from the base circle)
- The width and lenghth of the overhang (offset distance from mid inner circles)
- The number of waves for the outer wavy defining curve
- The amplitude of the said waves
- The number of supporting uniform tubes (changing number of placement points on each of the curves)
- The sizes of the openings on the adaptive panels on every other panel
Below are some pictures of the shelter when some of the parameters above are varied:

Radius of the base circle

Sweep angle of the shelter (left = 350 deg and right is 180 deg)

Height of the shelter is at 200 here;