Design Project 2 | Plan For Iterating

Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Plan for Iterating

Next Iteration

  • Based from feedback


  • Finding ways to focus
  • Max Study efficiently
    • making most of the time
    • take 30 mins of finishing tasks than an hour, with breaks


  • Provide a means to balance study/health

Encouraging physical movement

  • Treadmill

Providing intervention prompts for breaks

  • Desks
    • Instilling built customized Pomodoro in library desks
    • Light nudging System
  • Zen Spaces ( tackles 2 in one)
  • Phone Box
    • 1 box per person
    • Purpose: Put Distraction/Phone Away
    • Light Bulb ( LED box )
    • Screen to set study/break timer
    • Locks once timer set, with a passcode set
    • Emergency Unlock
    • Charges the phone
  • Treadmill Desks
    • Inside the triangle room/ soundproof pod
    • blinders included
    • 1 Person
    • slide door
  • Zen Spaces
    • Indoors
    • Multiple Zen spaces at different locations
      • Paths on the floor to guide them to different Zen spaces
        • Color-coded
          • Blue ( Beach )
          • Green ( Garden )
          • White ( meditation )
        • Extras: colors where study spaces are
    • Theme:
      • Unguided
        • Garden Space
        • Beach Space
      • Guided
        • Meditation ( asks questions, reflective space )
          • Questions written on the wall
          • Modern art look and feel