Testing Results

Link to Student
Journal Entry For
Testing Session 1

You are an OCD person that faces issue with the cleanliness of the products and you entered the supermarket and you saw this UV Cashier that will Sanitize your products and scroll them to the bag automatically

What do you accept from this UV machine?

As a shopper do you face an issue with the cleanliness of the products ?

At the end are you confident with this UV machine? Like do you think it will be 100% clean?

How effectiveness do you think this product will be to you?

Do you think there is anything that I can modify?

Testing Results:

I showed some of my colleagues my digital prototype and some of the recommendations were:

  1. Add Human Work Element: Incorporate features that show human interaction or engagement, making the interface feel more relatable and intuitive.
  2. Enhance Bag Section: Develop a specific storage feature within the bag section that allows users to add items easily, followed by an automatic spinning or organization mechanism to optimize space and improve user experience.

These enhancements can make the prototype more functional and user-friendly.