Your Name
Dulce'Celeste Martinez
Submitted For
Module 4 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Give examples of how the building information for a specific location in the project needs to be filtered for different audiences and purposes?

When your thinking of showing a floor plan to a client there are probably some things that will be of greater importance to them. Some things like furniture, fixtures, plumbing just to get a sense of what their home could be and an optional set up. But if you're thinking about a floor plan for a contractor who is mostly focusing on the structure itself like the walls, floors, windows and plumbing then that's probably what you should just include. If you kept things like furniture, it's just clutter that isn't of significance to them.

Should your design ideas always be conveyed through photorealistic renders?

Not necessarily. If you're presenting a final draft for the building, then I do think that there should be more attention to detail considering light, shadows, and background. But that's not something that should be done until the final changes have been made to the model. If you present something that looks done and completed to a client while still in the "work in progress" phase they'll feel as if they can't make anymore changes because it looks done. For that reason it's better to leave something looking like a work in progress with sketchy lines and maybe just a shaded view so that they feel that they can still make changes.

How can schedule views be used to assist with procurement and model-based estimating?

Schedule views allow you to see all the elements from a category (window, doors, walls, room, etc.) that were used in your build in one sheet. From there you can choose the fields that you need to see and then sort the elements by mark or family in descending or ascending order. You can also, create formulas for the fields, like area = width*height. Then, you can also do ¨grand totals¨ of the area or specific fields. It allows you to see how much you've used and of what. Finally, you can do cost estimating based on the amount of material you require.