Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Recycler Rob

  • Heads of household
  • 40+, married or partnered
  • Live in an urban/suburban and educated area
  • Recycle as much as possible - and use local waste/recycling services to process; want to get most out of electronics but want to be conscientious about reuse/recycle options
  • Adapt quickly once a new offering/service is available

Eager Edgar

  • Heads of household
  • 40+, married or partnered
  • Live in an urban /suburban and educated area
  • Don’t recycle regularly but are eager to learn more and be educated about the process
  • Need more and better education about the services

Nervous Nancy

  • Heads of household
  • 40+, married or partnered
  • Live in an urban /suburban and educated area
  • Hoard stuff because worried about safety and trust of data on devices; also want to better understand what happens to other materials once they’re placed in recycling or other process

Colin’s Comments: Are these characters in-tune with their local waste or recycling programs? Even for Recycler Rob, will he bring in cans and bottles to collect the CRV? Are the local waste/recycling services convenient or could it be better? With regards to “urban”, are they all in single family homes? Recycling in cities with high-rises is an interesting challenge.

thanks Colin - good areas to probe further. Don’t think Rob Recycler would do it for CRV but likely because it’s good for the environment and the “right thing to do”…