For this project, my first step (1A and 1B) was to create the top and base of the structure. The length and width of both the top and the base of the structure can be adjusted based on the user's needs.
The second step was to create the rotated shape structure by applying the Geometry. Translation function to both the top and base of the structure that was created in the previous step. The rotation angle, floor number and floor height can all be adjusted by users.
The floor colour and the building facade colour were both defined in the third step. In order to show the floors, the transparency of the building facade was increased.
The last step here was to calculate the solid volume, the total surface area, and the total floor area.
After checking the above dynamo script to make sure it worked, a custom node has been created based on the script. The height of the building and the rotation angle of the top floor was set to be the two parameters for the variables.
Last but not least, 12 different cases were set to run and the output was saved in the attached excel file.